How It’s Made

The process to making a pin:

  1. Using pliers to fold the edges open
  2. Carefully pressing the pin upside down on a tortilla press with your weight
  3. Hot-gluing a pin bar to back of pin
  4. Cutting a piece of printed paper of image
  5. Apply Epoxy sticker to image
  6. Use Modge Podge to paste stick and image into pin
  7. Let dry

The process to making an iPhone case:

  1. Draw stencil onto phone case
  2. Pull embroidery thread onto sewing needle
  3. Choose colors that suit the design
  4. Start sewing in a line where you marked
  5. Keep going for long hours
  6. Tie off thread when needed or switch colors
  7. Cut off remainder of thread and tie into a knot



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