Week 3 – Feb.25.16

This week has been an interesting one. We’ve hit bumps in communicating and we have set a date to sell on Wednesday of next week! We are super excited but also nervous about how we will make our products by then. So far, I am trying to find a way to make the most out of the phone cases we got (which were the wrong kind we need, which are silicone) and get it to be sell-able. To make the cases form the ones we got, we needed a heat press (which we don’t have) but I’m trying to find a way to just paste it on the adhesive side.

We have already set up some days for meeting at Lidia’s house to make the pins and phone cases. Hopefully, we’ll have enough time and orders by then.


Keep your fingers crossed,

Aleia (Documentarian & Website Manager)

Meet the Staff!


Abdiel Mercado/ Sales/ Pitch


Aleia Dela Cuadra/ Website Designer & Documentarian


Carlos Martinez/ Marketing

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Luz Simon/ Organizer

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Lidia Vasquez/ Product Design


Noah Wilson/ Finance & Accounting


Alejandro Solano/ Finance & Accounting


Iza McGawley/ Marketing

How It’s Made

The process to making a pin:

  1. Using pliers to fold the edges open
  2. Carefully pressing the pin upside down on a tortilla press with your weight
  3. Hot-gluing a pin bar to back of pin
  4. Cutting a piece of printed paper of image
  5. Apply Epoxy sticker to image
  6. Use Modge Podge to paste stick and image into pin
  7. Let dry

The process to making an iPhone case:

  1. Draw stencil onto phone case
  2. Pull embroidery thread onto sewing needle
  3. Choose colors that suit the design
  4. Start sewing in a line where you marked
  5. Keep going for long hours
  6. Tie off thread when needed or switch colors
  7. Cut off remainder of thread and tie into a knot



Week 2 – Feb.19.2016

UDesign is a company that specializes in the manufacture of custom made buttons and iPhone cases. Therefore the materials we need in order to make our products for our consumers are very specific and require lots of time and patience to complete. We purchased our materials by ordering them online in bulk.

Our first shipment came in and resulted in our company receiving the correct materials with the exception of the wrong type of iPhone cases. As a company we decided to try out these iPhone cases even if they weren’t the ones we needed because of the amount of time we had left.
The next steps to getting ready for our first sales day would be having our completed products ready to sell and having our receipts organized.

-Luz (Organizer)


Week 1 – Feb.8.2016

After the first week of working together as an entire company, what has been the most exciting moment and/or the biggest challenge as a company?

The most crucial and difficult part of the two role sheets we’ve done this week is making the materials list. This job was Alejandro’s (Thank goodness it’s not mine!) but all of us had to contribute to make the best deal on cases. The iPhone cases were so hard to find because they needed to be in bulk, cheap, and quick to ship so that we could start selling.-

Here are some pictures of our group working hard!

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-Aleia (Website Manager & Documentarian)